Monday, December 6, 2010

Wiki-leaks and the avid conspiracy guy

So no doubt yo have heard tons about wiki-leaks and what the United States is calling one of the biggest security breaches in a very long time. I am certain that some of you have decided to even go to this website and look at the material posted and see just what the US thinks of Canadians and what they think of the rest of the world in general. This sort of website is an excellent resource for many, especially two kinds of people who can be very dangerous that i am certain many have over looked. The first is the avid conspiracy guy who takes great delight in saying the all government is bad and that they are some how evil. The fun part is actually asking one of these types what they suggest instead of government; usually it's a long winded explaination of a government body they created or something that would promote chaos like just having everybody run freely and choosing what they want to do. The other type of person who is dangerous with respect to wiki-leaks is the very person's many have been fighting to keep us all safe, terrorists. That's right conspiracy guy, you got what you wanted and showed that the US has dirty dark secrets like many other countries i am sure, but now you've done it at the cost of the security of the free world and made a huge target of one of the super powers in the world...good job you.

It's one thing to say you have secrets that a government keeps from the people, but it's quite a different thing to post those online. No wonder sweeden is looking for the public face of wiki-leaks, if he were to release documents about them i am sure many wouldn't invest in there banks any more. There is a few questions though that one shoudl mull over in this siutation, the first is do you really think no government has information they keep from the masses? Of course they keep things from you, did you ever hear the saying person is smart, people are stupid?

Another question to ask is, let's say the government told you everything and gave away all there secrets to everyone that lived in that country. If i wanted to destroy that country all i have to do is find me a tourist and tourture him or her till i got what i wanted. If i keep my secrets and make sure that only higher ups have it, then it's likely that may civilian population will be safe as they know nothing and can't be used as a weapon against my own people.

In short, is wiki-leaks something we should all invest in to see what the US has been keeping from us? no. Simply put, it's common sense that the government operates in secret and that they tell secrets only to those that need to know. If they told everyone everything, it's very possible that you could become a weapon against everyone you care about. It's nice to think that we are all open and honest, but when you think about it we all have a dark side and sometimes we don't even tell close friends what we are up to so why would we expect that someone you elected into power would do that for you?

Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

No one will attack us, they love us!

 So at one point in the not so distant past the government of canada decided to buy several F-35 lightening II aircraft from lockheed-martin. The aircraft where designed so that canada could replace it's aging F-18 fleet that have lately been falling out of the sky.I remember thinking to myself thank you up there, thank you for remembering that canada needs a defence in the air and that relying on another country for our own defence is pretty much handing it over to them. Then i read the link below and saw that so many people have very little idea why these aircraft are so very important; most of them see the aircraft as a waste of money and can't understand why we need to spend now before the cost is too high.

I read a few comments on this cbc news site that read something to the tune of good for the liberal government for stopping the needless spending of money. While i am no politician, and my opinions are my own and reflect no organization, business or otherwise I would like to point something out...wasn't it most of us who joked about the sea king helicopter "seeking the ground" ? These are the same people that now look to canada's defence force and question buying of new equipment and can't understand that if we don't update our troops with new technology and better equipment in general we will be signing off on countless lives lost in wars. I can recall so many times when people have joked about how outdated our military is and how we have nothing really left to call a defence force, yet countless people will say we shouldn't spend the money on defending canada. I'll put this into easy to understand terms to avoid any confusion, not to say that readers of my blog are somehow unable to understand this concept, quite the opposite infact. I believe that using an analogy will help you as the reader educate quickly the multitude of people who don't understand. If i left my expensive car in downtown toronto, unlocked and unattended, how long do you think it would stay there untouched and unharmed? I am not saying that Toronto is a crime riddled city by any means, I merely use a large city as a reference to support my point. so by the same logic, would you leave Canada unlocked and unattended for any other country to come and take for a joy ride?

So many Canadians feel we have no enemies to worry about and the bottom line is while we are not a war like country by any stretch, simply by existing we have enemies by which to defend ourselves from. It's far to easy to sit back and say we have no enemies when we have sent troops over seas to countries in the midst of civil war and then say we have no enemies to worry about. Using the car as the example, to your knowledge if you were to leave your car somewhere unlocked, do you think the person taking it for a joy ride would be someone you know? The enemy we don't know about is the hardest one to fight against and the hardest to defend against as well, it's why everytime you leave the car you lock the doors.

If Canada continues to put it's military spending on the back burner, then at some point the country that didn't will come knock on our door and demand we work for them. Remember our national anthem states clearly "the true North strong and free" if we are not strong, we may not be free for much longer. This is not to say we should simply spend all of our money on military equpiment, but it does mean that we should take a serious look at our position on the world stage.

John Diefenbaker was running the country and ended the AVRO Arrow project because it would cost Canadians too much money he claimed. Years after we all look back and think about what he was thinking and why he ended a program that could have launched us to the forefront of technology and kept Canada safe for years to come. Now that Canada is in a reccesion and the government wants to spend the single most amount of money they have ever spent on the military we are all saying " this will cost too much". When John Diefenbaker said the same thing you all thought about how crazy that sounded, but when the same situation came up in the modern day everyone questioned it. The only difference between then and now is that more money is at stake, and much more advanced technology is being used to defend us all. 

In short, don't be so quick to say that we shouldn't spend the money on the military to get the needed upgrades to our defence force. After all, when we thought the AVRO Arrow was a bad idea and a certain someone said we should have AVRO begin making cookware for families...we could do that now, but when some country decides to come here I am certain the last thing they will want us to make after we have been conquered is cookware.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is it really that hard to flush?

So lately i have been worndering why it is so hard for people to flush...i mean flush anything. Every morning i get up, start my routine and head out to the shared bathroom and bam, there it is to greet me every morning; something that was leaft behind from a night of drinking or whatever have you. Honestly guys, we need to pull it together here for just a week, then fall off the wagon i guess, atleast i'd have something. I wake up every day to this stuff, urinals are becoming the worst thing ever because they need to be flushed and unless someone installed an automatic flush, it never happens.

Maybe that is the problem, some one somewhere decided that automatic was the way to improve my problem and keep a clean bathroom. That's exactly when it backfired i think cause now men everywhere from ever walk of life forget to flush. It's terrible at 5am to wake up to someone else' know.

Ladies, don't think your safe either. I have heard the horror stories from the other side and i think every woman has a story to tell about a bathroom that was less that desirable to do any business in. I think the worst stories i have heard are from workplaces where it seems ladies are just as guilty as the guys and forget to flush or dispose of items properly and so on.

So how can we fix this problem you ask? well the easy solution of making things automatic only solved half the problem.Sometimes we get lucky and the machine works great and the bathroom doesn't smell like some one passed away in there, other times i am certain someone has...or should have. The best solution is to train yourself, that's right train yourself. Monitor what you do in the bathroom for 30 days and you will eventually train yourself to do it automatically...irony there? maybe.

At any rate, please...please...PLEASE flush! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

facebook, is it evil or is that just you

So there are how many millions of people on facebook right? and how many millions of posts and pictures attached to each profile. So who would have thought facebook would have more power than a fully loaded rifle?

So facebook is a wonderful thing isn't it, you can share all your pictures with the world and share all sorts of ideas and plans and now even scores of various facebook games. It allows people from all walks of life to share ideas without really any real threat of being an outcast or shunned in any way really. It has the power to hold the thoughts and ideas of trips we've been on and to share our day with people we choose as our "friends". There are only a few downsides to this wonderful system, besides a terrible movie (seriously, a facebook movie? come on people why would i spend money on something i log into for free?)

It's been my experience that facebook, while a neat little application holds the power to destroy our lives (sounds epic, read on). I have heard many stories of couples on facebook who have had an account and spent lots of time together and enjoyed each others company enough to even use the M word (marriage). Only after a few months to find out a certain someone commented on a half dress woman or man and then bam, end of relationship. Seems crazy, but it happens more often than you think...for that matter more than it should ever. You see while facebook is wonderful and provides us with the ability to be social with long time friends of even just met you friends it also provides the world with a quick easy to read view of you and who you are and what you are about. The problem from a relationship point of view is that when you post something on your wall chances are (as men anyway, yes boys we take the first hit) someone has read it and judged you accordingly. Several examples are college babes, naughty kisses, and facebook date (the ladder is super hard to get rid of even if you never sign up to it); all these applications can be seen as a man being less than faithful. Now, ladies before you broad side me with the standard " if he cared about me he wouldn't need these apps anyway, just me" and the ever classic " if he likes to see naked women, he can see them now all he wants because i'm gone" remember, your problems with your guy looking at naked women are with all due respect a whole other rant (there will be one, i have time :)). All i am pointing out is that this happens and that it ruins relationships faster than if you found your man with a porn under his bed. In some cases, ladies pack up and leave before he is even home from work to say good bye.

As for the ladies side of it, most color there facebook page with cute girl stuff and some pretty neat stuff to (not saying you all only cover a facebook page with what i think is cute, that's just some that do that and i have noticed it is all i am driving at here). I have been to pages where some of the ladies have posted games like "attack" (awesome game like risk in many ways) and some things like national suit up day (fan favorite by the way). However, i have also seen the other side of it where there are have naked men and stuff about johnny dep (or the dude from twilight....uhhhhh).

In any event, my point is that both sides are just as guilty of the same problem. This didn't always happen so fast and without either side being given a chance to say anything before they are tared and feathered on the facebook streets (i picture some middle eastern town square here for this with a facebook logo somewhere). So let's back the train up a bit here and look at this, facebook was developed initially so that university students could send and receive information in groups faster and work on this info in groups faster than emailing each other. Great idea expect that now it does more than that and google ads are supreme on this site now along with a wealth of useless games. So here is the riddle of the century, we gave facebook our ideas, thoughts and pictures; we also gave facebook an identity by adding it to google and having everyone we know add us as friends. We also did we give this stupid website the power to decide who we date, who we love, who we hate, and who we wish would be run over by a small to mid sized bus?

A great man once said that man is only bound by chains he places on himself. If that is the case then it is we who are guilty of placing blame on others for things we have done ourselves. Who hasn't gone onto facebook and looked up a few pics of people just see them and said "wow, look at the guy/girl" We have all passed judgment on someone without even knowing the facts, all we have is just a picture and a comment that says "dude you must have been wasted". So now the best question, why can't we just delete the facebook account, the chain that makes and breaks us?

The answer will scare you a little, but the real reason we can't just walk away from facebook. It gives us comfort and lets us live a life or two that looks better than our own, it lets us live a life of judgment and it also comforts us and tells us we have one new message from someone, somewhere who may one day be that special one. It also replaces the need to have someone you can get comfort short...facebook is evil, but the website itself isn't evil, it's us that gave our little bit of evil to facebook to post along with the comment " you can never leave, no matter what you do and I will control you and everything about you"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

terrible drivers

Ok first let me start out by saying that i am not the greatest driver in the world, but that i understand my flaws and try to correct them. However, there are some people who just don't seem to get it and they seem to be multiplying. Like when you get to a four way stop, do you know who goes first if we all get there at the same time? the person to your right! not stupid guy who didn't make a complete stop and saunters on through thinking he has the right of way. Also, when you see a blinker...PAY ATTENTION! it may mean that person wants to turn or more likely merge into your lane. Try letting them in as one car length represents less that one min of traffic on a highway. If they have had there blinker on for around the 30 second mark and look like they want in your lane, do yourself and them a favor and back up a little to let them in. If your in so much of a hurry you can't possibly let someone in, you need a new alarm clock and the ability to read time is also something sorta important.

Oh and let's try reading a sign now and again people. If it say's we all have to shift over cause it's construction ahead, don't wait till your in front of the sign to merge cause 8 guys back didn't see that sign through the transport truck that is always at a construction site trying to get through. If you keep doing that kinda thing, one day a guy like me will get out, slap  you in the face, and return to driving. It'll be a full, but decisive slap that you will remember i promise you.

while were are in the traffic rant, let's talk trucks. They are huge, always taking up at least 3 lanes of traffic and for some unknown reason like to do this while they are going up a hill. Your 4 million tons of useless! move to one side ya jerk! Oh what's that the far right lane is the slow lane, guess what you are? slow! Trucks are why traffic is so bad in large cities cause they burn green lights everywhere they go so no one can get through, they need enormous turning radius's because they are 1000 ft long. Why do companies not ship stuff in smaller trucks from warehouses outside a city center i have no idea, but clearly planning needs to be done.

The 407 is another example of traffic stupidity to, first they build it with my tax money and then they sell it to someone in Spain cause that was a good idea. Traffic usually screws up near the on ramps to this highway cause no one wants to pay to use this thing and no one can get around it for some odd reason. They post signs but no, sadly that doesn't help. READ PEOPLE! i can't stress this enough.

I should also point out that if you do make a mistake, or some nice person takes pitty on you do the nice thing...wave. It's just nice to be acknowledged for helping someone some times, plus a little pay it forward doesn't hurt anyone.

Thanks for reading!