Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is it really that hard to flush?

So lately i have been worndering why it is so hard for people to flush...i mean flush anything. Every morning i get up, start my routine and head out to the shared bathroom and bam, there it is to greet me every morning; something that was leaft behind from a night of drinking or whatever have you. Honestly guys, we need to pull it together here for just a week, then fall off the wagon i guess, atleast i'd have something. I wake up every day to this stuff, urinals are becoming the worst thing ever because they need to be flushed and unless someone installed an automatic flush, it never happens.

Maybe that is the problem, some one somewhere decided that automatic was the way to improve my problem and keep a clean bathroom. That's exactly when it backfired i think cause now men everywhere from ever walk of life forget to flush. It's terrible at 5am to wake up to someone else' know.

Ladies, don't think your safe either. I have heard the horror stories from the other side and i think every woman has a story to tell about a bathroom that was less that desirable to do any business in. I think the worst stories i have heard are from workplaces where it seems ladies are just as guilty as the guys and forget to flush or dispose of items properly and so on.

So how can we fix this problem you ask? well the easy solution of making things automatic only solved half the problem.Sometimes we get lucky and the machine works great and the bathroom doesn't smell like some one passed away in there, other times i am certain someone has...or should have. The best solution is to train yourself, that's right train yourself. Monitor what you do in the bathroom for 30 days and you will eventually train yourself to do it automatically...irony there? maybe.

At any rate, please...please...PLEASE flush! 

1 comment:

  1. Hahah, potty training refresher course!

    And no, women are not safe.. It's not just flushing though. There are those women who are paranoid of 'germs' in public area and thus, refusing to actually touch a seat, they will hover over the seat... and unless you have thighs of friggin' steel, you're going to waver and there's going to be some.. erm... errant pee.

    Wipe that stuff up! Some of us don't have the time, patience, or lower body strentgh to hover, and it sucks rushing into a public can, plopping down and ... well, just ew.
